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Ebook: Legal Framework for Secured Transactions

The Legal Framework for Secured Transactions (Law 14.711/23) represents a turning point for the Brazilian financial and real estate sector. Promoting legal certainty and efficiency in the use of guarantees, the legislation promises to dynamize the credit supply, reduce costs, and stimulate investments.

In this new ebook, we explore the real estate aspects of the legislation, unfolding its practical and strategic implications for industry professionals, investors, and those interested in the credit market.

The publication addresses the innovations introduced, such as the flexibilization and modernization of the secured fiduciary sale. We also detail some novelties, such as the subsequent secured fiduciary sale and the extension of the secured fiduciary sale.

In addition to other topics, the ebook also covers changes in foreclosure procedures and auctions, as well as the revitalization of the mortgage, which, although less utilized, gains new momentum with the possibility of extrajudicial foreclosure

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